Press Release (29th Jan, 2025)
Ireland’s First Animal Law Course Begins at the University of Galway
Dr. Maureen O’Sullivan, a lecturer in law at the University of Galway, has introduced the first undergraduate module in Animal Law in a law school in Ireland, which will run from January 2025 for 12 weeks. Dr. O’Sullivan is the Chairperson of the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee and was Chairperson of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland for six years. She is the author of ‘Biotechnology, Patents and Morality’, which was published with Routledge in 2019, and she has published widely on copyright, patents and biotechnology and animal issues. She has supervised four PhDs to completion on a variety of topics, including land and property law, biotechnology, patents and human dignity, and animal protection laws. She can be contacted at: