Fíor Footwear

Can you tell us a bit about your business?

Fíor is a brand that seeks to give you the highest quality products, made with natural fibres and fair labour practices. We are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility, providing our customers with the opportunity to shop at an ethical alternative retailer that cares about the world they live in.

Why did you choose to offer a discount to Vegan Society of Ireland members?

The Vegan community are the custodians of the earth.

Of all the vegan products and services you offer, what is your favourite and why?

I am a big fan of the Ériu and have not worn any other trainer since. I have brought them on my travels and I am still amazed at how durable they are in comparison to other brands I have owned.

How do you see the future of veganism in relation to your business?

Fîor Footwear wants to hit the widest audience possible and offer our sustainable and animal free products to maximise our positive impact on the world.