Whole Foods Vegan Diet
A well planned vegan diet based primarily on whole foods can be healthy.
Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that cannot be derived from plants. It is produced by bacteria and fermentation and can be acquired through supplements or fortified foods.
These are excellent resources for vegans:
- The Vegan Society UK’s website.
- Plant Based Health Professionals UK – factsheets.
- Beginner’s Guide to a Whole Food Plant Based Diet, from Forks over Knives.
- Dr. Michael Greger’s Nutrition Facts website.
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- T. Colin Campbell Centre for Nutrition Studies
- Plant-based Nutrition and Health – book by Stephen Walsh
- Plant Based Doctors Ireland
Pregnancy and Children
- Pregnancy on a Plant Based Diet – Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute
- Pregnancy and Breastfeeding – Vegan Society UK
- Vegan Food for Children and Parents – Vegan Society UK
- Kids’ Nutrition – Plant Based Health Professionals UK
- Feeding Your Vegan Child – book by Sandra Hood
- Vegetarian and Vegan Diets in Pregnancy – HSE
- Cuidiú – Breastfeeding Support, Ireland