Gabriella Cruz, Dietitian

Can you tell us a bit about your business?

Clinical, functional and sports RD and specialist in intestinal modulation and behavioral nutrition. My mission is to help people achieve full health through nutrition, always with balance, without radicalism, restrictions, and with knowledge and discernment. Contact us to learn more about the available nutritional packages and services.

What inspired you to start your business?

Fulfill the mission of helping people change habits, improve health through food and live fully.

Why did you choose to offer a discount to Vegan Society of Ireland members?

To help vegans to keep a healthy and balanced diet

What does veganism mean to you and to your business?

Respect to planet and individual’s choices in regard to nutrition

How do you see the future of veganism in relation to your business?

Growing every day. Having a balanced diet is extremely important and people can face challenges to keep balanced when going vegan