Onia Angelis Lightworker – True Tarot Dublin & Reiki

Can you tell us a bit about your business?

I am a spiritual coach. I give energy readings using Tarot and other kinds of cards which allow me to connect with my client. I work to clear the path for my clients to find a solution for their issues. I am not a fortune teller. I also give Reiki session which is an excellent way for everyone to overcome any block.

What inspired you to start your business?

I have always been very focused on self healing and I always been very intuitive and very good to connect with the energy of the people I interacted with. In my mid 20s I started to dig deeper and I attended numerous workshops in Europe, USA and Central America. Finally I decided to follow my passion full time in 2021 so I gave up my corporate job and I never looked back.

Why did you choose to offer a discount to Vegan Society of Ireland members?

As a vegan I feel it is very important to build rapport with my tribe. With people that like me have the same ethos and are not speciesist.

What does veganism mean to you and to your business?

It means respect to this world where we are all guests. That we all have more talent and the capacity to heal ourselves.

Can you share a success story or a challenge that you have overcome as a business?

Along with my energy readings and reiki I sell handmade incense, jewels, upcycled stuff and more. The challenge is always the same. There are other people offering cheaper stuff but lacking quality, the real love of making the item. I never felt tempted to downgrade what I do. Surely even with my readings I have to be more selective with clients. But the love and the fulfillment I got back is undeniably greater than doing things that I do not believe.

Of all the vegan products and services you offer, what is your favourite and why?

Everything. Energy reading can really shed a light when someone is overwhelmed. Reiki is the most natural way to heal. My incense is natural with no chemicals so safe to burn with children or pets. I just love what I do.

How do you see the future of veganism in relation to your business?

I am all in it. No plastic wrappers, I upcycle a lot.  For instance, I make the sleeves for my incense sticks using old envelops or left over of any kind of paper. My business is about taking out and walking along with our true self. And that it will bring the awareness that many people miss right now.